Tuesday, 11 July 2017

कल किसने देखा है ?

    क्यों न आज बेहतर कर  लें ?
सबसे ज़रा हंस बोल लें।
झगड़े लड़ाई करना क्यों है ,
इससे क्या हासिल होना है?
आज, अभी यही सत्य है
कल किसने देखा है ?

मुंह फुला कर बैठे क्यों ?
हँसी के ठहाके जब लग सकते हैं ,
 ख़ुशी प्रेम  से रह सकते हैं ,
दूसरों से जलना क्यों?
सब अपनी राह  पर ही चलते हैं।
आज, अभी यही सत्य है ,
कल किसने देखा है ?

मोह माया का यह बंधन
जिसे कहते हैं हम जीवन,
बड़ा सरल है , बड़ा कठिन है,
अपनी आँखों पर निर्भर है ,
आज अभी यही सत्य है,
कल  किसने देखा है ?

Monday, 10 July 2017

कुछ बात तो है ज़रूर सावन में
की बादलों की मोटी चादर सी
आसमान ने चारों तरफ़ से ओढा है .
इससे पहले तो कभी यहाँ तो कभी वहाँ
यूँ ही बिखरे रहते थे.
बादलों को भी पता है कि
जो बात है वो सावन ही तो है .

सुबा सुबह यूँ आंख खुली
बून्दों की रिम झिम आहट से,
बूँदें अब कुछ ज़्यादा गिरिं
इंन काली घटा के गर्भ से
साथ दिया इनका
बिजलियो की कड़कियों ने
कुछ बात तो ज़रूर सावन में।

Sunday, 9 July 2017

समन्दर की एक लहर आयी और
बहा कर ले गयी सभी पुरानी यादों को .

Saturday, 8 July 2017

अफ़सोस उस रोज़ चाँद न होगा
जब हम साथ होंगे
शायद उसे हमारा मिल्ना पसंद नही.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

In the midst of the roaring waves
she found her place.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

फ्लाइंग स्क्वाड का हमला

उड़ते उड़ते ये पहुँच जाते हैं जहाँ भी हो रही हो परीक्षा।  एक आध चोर तो पकड़ेंगे ही आज, लिए यह उद्देश्य उड़ता हुआ पहुंचा यह फ्लाइंग स्क्वॉड हमारे कमरे में।  फ्लाइंग स्क्वाड की बाज़ की नज़र आज किसी का शिकार तो ज़रूर करेंगी।  कमरे में घुसते ही माना कहीं कोई धुन बजने लगी।  पिंक पैंथर याद है क्या आपको ? इंस्पेक्टर क्लूज़ो जब कोई केस हल करने जाते हैं, और एक धुन बजती है , बिलकुल वैसी ही धुन।  सबको मालूम हो गया था की अब फ्लाइंग स्क्वाड कमरे में पहुँच चुकी थी।  आतंकियों को मार गिराने के लिए निडरता पूर्वक ये फ्लाइंग स्क्वाड आगे बढ़ते जा रहे थे। जनाब , ये भूलियेगा मत की हम परीक्षा कक्ष में बैठे हैं।  घबराइए नहीं।  इन आतंकियों के पास AK ४७ नहीं है , होंगे तो बस कुछ नोट्स , कुछ चिट्स या अपनी हथेलियों के पर्चे।  क्या फ्लाइंग स्क्वाड की निडरता रंग लाई ? जान ने के लिए मत पढ़िए इस्सके अगला अंक।  

Monday, 8 May 2017

अभी कल ही की तो बात थी
जब स्कूल जाने की ज़िद्द ने 
पीलिया ग्रसित कर दिया था,
कल ही शायद पेंसिल और फिर 
कलम से लिखने की 
उत्सुकता बढ़ती जा रही थी,
फिर यह  भी कल ही की बात थी 
कि अगले रोज़ स्कूल 
जाने की इच्छा ही ख़त्म हो गयी,
माँ पिताजी परेशान कि  हुआ क्या?
किसी ने कुछ कहा क्या?
नहीं बस यूँही मन नहीं हो रहा। 
फिर विश्वविद्यालय के दरवाज़े 
तक भी पहुँच ही गए। 
विदेशी भाषा के विद्यार्थी बन गए। 
कल ही की बात है कि 
उस क्लासमेट को देख कर गुस्सा आया 
जिसने स्पोर्ट्स कोटे में एडमिशन पाया,
कोई बात नहीं ऐसा खुद को  समझाया 
जब फ्रांस जाने की बारी आयी,
क्या कॉमर्स पढ़कर उस वक़्त 
जा पाती विदेश? नहीं, कत्तई नहीं। 
सात महीने गुज़ारे एक नई सी दुनिया में 
और कई बदलाव भी आये,
शायद कल ही की बात है 
कि शोध करने में व्यस्त हुए,
थीसिस जमा करके अब 
बेरोज़गार भी बने रहे। 
और एक दिन फिर वाइवा भी हो गया 
अब तो डॉक्टर भी बन गए। 
बचपन की वह चाह स्कूल जाने की 
दीदी लोग और भैया को देखकर किताबें  पढ़ने की 
शायद कल ही की तो बात थी। 
और आज भी इतना है पढ़ने को 
समझ से परे है की शुरू कहाँ से करें 
और अंत तो कभी आएगा ही नहीं।  

Saturday, 29 April 2017

The whiff of your fragrance
takes me back to you,

Time spent together
present themselves anew,

The laughs, the cries
resound in my ears.

The winks, the shouts,
Also pass through.

I sit for a while
basking in the flashback

Now I put your fragrance,
and I have worn you. 

Thursday, 27 April 2017

इन काली अँधेरी रातों से
क्यों हमें डर लगता है?
इन ज़ुल्म की ज़ंजीरों में
क्यों यह मन जकड़ा है?
क्यों जो सबकी सोच हो
हम भी उसी दिशा  बढ़ें?
ऐसा किसने कहा है कि
अल्पसंख्यकों की कोई जगह नहीं?
हम क्यों माने जो सबकी हो सहमति
की अपने असहमति का कोई वजूद नहीं?
क्यों हम भेड़चाल के बंधनों
को गहराई दें?
सबकी अपनी सोच है वो
इस सच्चाई से क्यों घबराएं?
ऐसा क्या डर के पल्लू में बंधना ,
जब इससे ही अपना दम घुटे ?
यह अँधेरा हमें इतना क्यों डराता है?
प्रकृति का नियम तो यही बतलाता है
कि गहरी अँधेरी रात का साथ
अगले पल सुनेहरा सूरज ही देता  है।

Thursday, 6 April 2017

So, after the lull, comes some excitement to write. I am reminded of those days when I was unemployed, after the submission of my thesis and used to stay at home with my parents. Every now and then, I was buzzing with some thing or the other to write. Many a times , I chronicled my baking adventures. Today brings back a similar whiff of the bygone days. 

A few days ago, when I woke up in the morning, I checked my phone. There were a few messages on whatsapp. One of the messages said, "I had Maal pua and it was awesomeeeee.." The word Maalpua got stuck in my head since. It is such a beautiful word, more so because of the taste it automatically brings to the palate. I usually associate Maalpua with Holi. That is because my Mother makes deliciously delicious Maalpuas especially on Holi. This time I had not gone back home for the festival and so maybe the craving for having it was even more prominent.

The very same morning, I asked my eldest sister the recipe. She told me about the recipe but suggested not to try it on my own. The process is a little too messy if not properly done. And knowing how clumsy I can be, she advised me to try it at home under their supervision. Well, all motivation depended on whether I wanted to make them or not. The day passed. I got busy here and there and wasn't feeling very sure to undertake the cumbersome process. 

In fact, now that I am writing about it, I think of the day. It wasn't a couple of days ago but it was yesterday. Funny I have become to not remember the days. Well, it doesn't really matter. So, today in the morning I had completely forgotten about it. The mundane office routine had let the idea subside somewhere within me. However, when I came back, it found a small pathway to resurface prominently. It was also because (as I now think about it) my mom had said that maybe I could make it after coming back from office. Well, not a very shining prospect. After office, it is time to play tennis atleast for an hour. And then comes the heavier task of making dinner, And after that, I just do not feel like spending time cooking. On regular days, I have dinner by 9: 30 max. So When I came back, my feet were hurting bad. I just wanted to relax a bit, which I did. In the meanwhile, my mom called. She asked about my dinner plans. Generally she gets worried about my eating habits. She knows I can get a little lazy and not take care of my food. So, she mentioned how I should be regularly eating Daal, coz that is one of th eonly source of proteins for us vegetarians. I nodded and then I asked her again about the recipe. Well, any recipe can be found on Google these days, but when it comes to certain things for which you have string emotions/affections then Google turns out to be too impersonal. So, my mum clearly stated that I take small quantity of ingredients as I was going to be making it for the first time. She gave me the details of how to be making Maalpuas. We talked for some more time and then hung up. 

A little later, I had a slight change in my dinner plan, where earlier I was only going to make Lauki, I decided to add chana daal to it. I ate dinner  around 10. It got a little late today. But that did not deter my enthusiasm for my next cooking venture. This is a complete anomaly. Well, I guess the strength of the taste of Maalpuas made by mom that kept surfacing on my tongue was the driving force. So, here I was on a slightly deviated path from my regular routine. I took out the ingredients in small quantities, thinking of how small the quantity actually was. Well, small quantities took about an hour or so to be completely done. I got reminded of how my mother would be in the kitchen for a few hours when she would be making Maalpuas on Holi. But she never complained. She liked it I guess as we were all great fan of her Maalpuas. She would lovingly bear all the heat, all the effort that goes into its making.

While I was at it, I kept on thinking how would it turn out to be. I just tasted one. And I have to confess, even though the look of it is just average, when I had it, it tastes almost the same as I have the memories of it. I am glad. That is an understatement. I am elated. Is there a sense of achievement? Yes, a little. I feel happy that I have managed to make Maalpuas in my first attempt that taste delicious. Well, this is my opinion. Let me see, what others have to say about them. I am very positive.  

Sunday, 26 February 2017

In the vast expanse of the golden desert,
I lay exposed to the scorching Sun,
and I do not look for any shade
for the burns I feel, hurt no more. 

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

And while racking my brains to pen down something, I got this idea of writing which is inspired by one of the training sessions I had attended for teachers of French. The resource person was doing an exercise based on OULIPO or Ouvroir de littérature potentielle founded by Raymond Queneau. It is a group of French language writers who create works while following a certain rule or constraint or structural pattern. It just came to my head and I started creating and then the chain of thoughts and words got broken when I went on to do other work. And now it remains an incomplete piece which I had otherwise thought of continuing till the end (I am sure by now you have figured out what constraint I have put my work to) Lets see till when do I finish it and what does it turn out to be.. 

Awakened being
Brings consciousness
concerning desires.
Digs effortlessly,
enters fiendish
feelings, gyrating
grossly, hidden
higher in
islands juxtaposed...

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

And when she sang,
a harsh winter evening
appeared to be offering
a warm blanket
how I embraced myself
in the comfort of her voice
that touched me so deep!
I went straight
into the heart of an ocean.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

The wind had whispered in her ears
secrets of the world.
No one but she
was the Mistress of the untold.
Secrets entombed
swirled and whirled,
yet she chose to remain silent
and see how they would let themselves unfurl on their own.

Random thoughts or deliberate messages from the universe?

 It's been a while. Almost two years! So much has happened in these two years. Or maybe not.  Let me begin with things of the last year....