Saturday 18 January 2020

Let's be there for each other !

I wonder sometimes,
more often these days,
how did we turn 72 ?
Such diversity which we were told to celebrate,
"Unity in diversity"
was the slogan,
which I was so proud of,
I have now realized,
was only a sham !!
We were only being hypocrites.
Celebrating the diversity on certain days,
and then sinking back into our real selves,
which I have only started to recognize nowadays,
thanks to social media,
everyone's voice is heard, or being read
thank God, everyone's exercising their freedom of speech,
but how?
by spewing hatred against one another
which had been lying deep down all this while,
the slogan seems a failed effort
to instill some sense of unity
into a crowd so diverse,
Did we really grow together ?
How well groomed actors are we?
How could we live together pretending that we stand by each other
and yet disgorging venom against each other at each instance in the name of religion?

Are we ready yet or do we still want to be immature and believe in this division ?
Can we come together as one?
Can we all look at each other as humans first ?
Can we?

Let's be there for each other!
Can we?

 The last time, in a very long time,  I was filled with awe,  was when I witnessed pure joy. The innocent cry  of a four years old  calling ...