Sunday 29 December 2013

Dear 2013

Dear 2013,

As you come to an end, I look back positively at all the events of life that  took place. Last to last year, I had written a certain resolutions for myself just for fun. As far as I can remember, I didn't make them come true. Consequently, I feel, I did not write anything either on a piece of paper or in my mind about the things I would do for you. However, I had a few aims running at the back of my mind.

You have given me all sorts of surprises. I am only more than content with the way events shaped up. Sometimes I let myself led by the moments and sometimes I decided to take them head on. 

As I like writing on paper more than typing it out on the laptop, I have already made a "Bilan" as we call it in French, of you for myself and boy, what a fruitful year you have been! And I could only thank you, my stars and everyone around me who made my world so lovely, exciting, and wonderful through out. 

                                            THANK YOU SO MUCH !!
                                            Lovingly yours,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. May the year ahead be as wonderful as those past.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year 2014 and hoping that your words will continue to radiate like warm sunshine on a cold bitter winter day.

    Sincerely Yours

    1. Thanks and wishing you a very Happy New Year too.


Random thoughts or deliberate messages from the universe?

 It's been a while. Almost two years! So much has happened in these two years. Or maybe not.  Let me begin with things of the last year....