Sunday, 24 February 2013

Spring at our doorstep!!

After the rains, comes out the Sun. With all its brightness, it spreads over us. The sky is clear with patches of white cloud here and there. The wind that blows makes the leaves rustle. Some denuded trees have already witnessed their new leaves bloom. Some have still been waiting. Flowers have blossomed in all shades and hues. Squirrels run haywire in search of something to nibble. And we know, Spring is at our doorstep, visible everywhere.

Only yesterday night, the clouds so heavily laden had been thrusting water droplets on us.Morning is a different story. Sun rises with all its vigour. The cold wind contrasts against the warm, sunny day. It's a perfect Sunday morning to be out in the nature. Tempted to the core, I have decided to make full use of the privilege I have, being in a beautiful, verdant university campus. My mind wanders to the idea of near future when I would have to leave this place and would not be knowing if  I would ever be able to have these pleasures in the busy schedule of life. I bring my mind back to the present and get ready for my rencontre with the nature. Having packed my bag with books I head towards the DSW lawns. Well manicured lawns, trees, and a few round tables and benches, make it the best place to bask in the nature.

Except for a security guard and a few construction workers, no one is there. I have full freedom to select any of the benches. I occupy one which has a tall tree behind it at some distance. The tree is still awaiting all its leaves, so that the sunlight gets filtered and is mild on me. I set up my books on the table, take out my pencil bag, a bottle of water and a box of grapes that I had kept for myself. I start reading. It's such a delight to be absorbed in a book while you are in the lap of nature. Meanwhile, I notice, these squirrels who come near the bench while looking straight at me. When I move a bit, scared to the core, they run away, climb a tree and disappear. I look at the grapes' box. All of a sudden, I think of offering grapes to them. Many of them focus on the box when I open it. While I take out a grape, they seem lured. They come closer. However, they move back quickly. I throw the grape in their direction. One of them happen to catch my action of throwing and register in his mind. He runs in the direction of the grape. I am content that he will have it. But, he runs past the grape, sniffing at a distance. How could he have missed the grape? is what my mind thinks. He still cannot find it. Disappointed, he goes away. I decide to put it on a slab of brick. While I get back to my reading, a few moments later, I discover that this little squirrel has finally got hold of the grape. Relieved I am for him, that he has something to eat and for myself, that I could delight myself in watching him nibble. Squirrels are agile but I feel they are  myopic. They lack focus. Taking pity on them, I decide to get back into action and not leave my focus and continue reading.

It's been almost two hours. The Sun is right above my head. I can feel his harsh rays seeping into my skin. It is getting hotter. I have had my share of his benign presence. I choose not to extend it further. I pack my bag and make my way back radiating contentment of this morning's experience.

Saturday, 23 February 2013


I dream
of a distant land
with the rising Sun,
the morning breeze
I breathe in.

A land
with a thousand flowers
offering themselves
to be my bed,
as I lay down.

And when night falls,
I dream of the stars
that blanket me soon
with their twinkling powers.

I lay there dreaming
of this distant land
with rising Sun,
the morning breeze 
that I breathe in.

Friday, 22 February 2013

In the sea of humanity,
a spirited soul,
with a quest of identity
and her role,
in the scheme of World
where millions reside,
curious to decipher
with dreamy eyes,
what purpose does it serve
to live our lives?

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Je suis nuage

Je suis nuage. J'habite dans l'infini du ciel au dessus de la Terre. Tout le monde me regarde avec beaucoup d'envie. C'est parceque je suis libre. Je n'ai pas de limites. Je me promène où je veux. Je voyage partout dans le monde. Je suis immense, et hors de la  portée des hommes, cela aussi contribue à leurs jalousies. Ils ne peuvent pas m'atteindre. Cependant, ils me traversent très souvent dans leurs avions. De ma place, les gens apparaissent si petits. Ils ont une existence négligeable. Je me réjouis parfois à leur faire plaisir, quand ils en ont marre du soleil et parfois, je les agace avec beaucoup de pluie. 
            Je m'habille de différentes couleurs. Ma couleur préférée est le blanc. La plupart de temps, je me contente d'etre clair et calme. Mais, ce n'est pas habituel. Je change fréquemment de couleur. Je rougis parfois le soir et meme le matin. A ces moments, le soleil me prete sa couleur.  Cette générosité offerte de sa part, me fais rougir. C'est un ami. Je l'ennuie quelquefois en le cachant des yeux des Terriens. Il se fache de ma méchanceté, mais se calme tout de suite après. Ce n'est pas mon seul ami. Les oiseaux qui s'envolent font aussi mes amis. Ils m'apportent des nouvelles de la Terre. Ils me chuchotent dans les oreilles et je garde leurs secrets. Nous nous amusons beaucoup. Je les taquine aussi. Quand il pleut, ils n'ont pas le choix et ils cherchent d'abri. 
          Je prends de formes variées. Je ne le savais pas avant. C'étaient mes amis oiseaux qui m'avaient surpris un jour. Ils m'ont raconté comment les Terriens déclarent que je ne reste jamais dans une forme fixe. Je porte de l'eau avec moi partout où je vais. Quand je ne peux pas supporter les gouttes d'eau, je les laisse tomber sur la Terre. On me dit que les Terriens ne sont jamais contents. Lorsqu'il commence à pleuvoir après une période de chaleur insupportable, il me remercie de tout leurs coeurs. En revanche, s'il pleut des cordes, ils commencent à se plaindre. N'était-il pas ce qu'ils ont demandé au début? Je ne les comprends pas. Ils sont des etres bizarres. 
      Cependant, je ne perd pas de temps en reflichissant sur ces Terriens. J'ai d'autres choses importantes à faire. Je suis au mouvement presque tout le temps. Je traverse le monde. Il n'y a pas de coté où je ne suis jamais allé. J'aime bien la compagnie de mes amis. Je suis content de ma place dans cet univers. Je n'ai pas de regrets. Je respire de l'air fraiche. Je n'ai rien à plaindre. O les hommes de Terre, comme vous etes jaloux de moi!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Being in a socially active and conscious university campus is a prerogative that we, a certain selected students have. We have created our own class. We discuss ideas, debate the government policies, raise our voices against injustice that happens to the people across country and world. Our voices that often create a stir. But how all this consciousness that augurs well for our country, translates into a mass consciousness and does not remain in the confines of a few section,  is what disturbs me often.

The recent rape case that had seen people from everywhere coming together and protesting, seemed to have awaken the conscience of the common man. But did it reflect the real awakening? I doubt. I just came back from a talk, held on rape cases that happen in the nearby state of Haryana with Dalit women that go unnoticed. 

To quote Prof. Nivedita Menon's words " rape is not about sexual desire but about power, misogyny and punishment." While she was getting into the flow of her discourse, she presented a point of view on whether death penalty should be awarded to the guilty, a point I had been unable to see earlier. All this while, I had read in the newspapers and heard on TV, people advocating against death penalty because of the low conviction rates. But what Prof Menon happened to stress upon was the fact that rape should be treated as any other heinous crime. It is not a murder. The girl should have the courage move on and fight back against the one who attacked her dignity. This seems easier said than done. That is why we need to erase from our minds the stigma linked with rape victims. We, as a member of society, have the responsibilty to support and create in every possible way a conducive environment for such women. The guilty should be ashamed of his misdeed and not the girl. It then releases the girl and her family from the social pressure that they come under in these situations. 

This has been an issue debated since long. And there are various angles from which it needs to be looked at. We acknowledge that patriarchal ideas that have been prevalent in the society are one of the reasons for violence against women. My mind tries to seek an answer to the question " How are we going to propagate the ideas that we discuss in this academic set up to the common man?" How does the change come about that has to be in the patriarchal mindsets of people?? How do we take them out of these obnoxious crutches, they are too eager to hold? How?

Thursday, 7 February 2013

What is it to be an art historian?

"As an art historian, you have to decode the story behind the painting or the sculpture", said the professor while enlightening us with the Buddhist art of ancient India. Art historian, I smiled at myself and wondered, would I be qualified to call myself an art historian at the end of six months, when I would have only touched very superficially in the course of 20 lectures the various art forms of India? The answer would be a strict no. How could I even dare to proclaim a territory as mine when I have not even mastered the fundamentals.

History of art is not just the accounts of various art forms at different epochs but concerns the social history of the period too. It is a way of revisiting the society prevalent at that time through art. Thus, what is art? Isn't it an expression of a personal or a collective consciousness reflecting the society? Atleast, this is what I have learnt within a span of 3 lectures that I attended in Art and Culture class. 

Until recently, and as a student in school, I had a strong dislike for ancient history. I had neither any curiosity nor interest in the empires that ruled for ages in my country. My History books would be fraught with details of innumerable kingdoms in various parts of India that controlled the Indian territory, much to my annoyance. Back then, I had no reason to remember those who might have been my ancestors, they were simply so far and distant. Besides, the factual details bombarded in the books never seemed fascinating. 

This attitude, however, has changed. The seed of interest in ancient past has been sown through my History of art classes. The lectures have been nurturing my interest. I discovered, how beautifully carved sculptures can be used to narrate history of ancient times or of any era. While learning the Buddhist art form, not only do we learn how the sculptures were done but equally essential is to learn its historical context. The moment the piece of art is denuded of its historical context, it remains no more than a piece of art, which could be admired only aesthetically. The historical framework adds a vision to the piece of art which becomes more relevant. It tells a story of the ways of living of people, their beliefs, that created a whole of a civilization. A story, which we have been carrying forward through ages. 

Today, while waiting for the lecture to begin, I overheard my fellow art historian, so to say, she was giving a reason for having chosen this course. She said, " This is wonderful, not just because you are learning about various art forms but it's like going back to the roots and knowing who you are." From then on these last words remain etched in my head. 

Random thoughts or deliberate messages from the universe?

 It's been a while. Almost two years! So much has happened in these two years. Or maybe not.  Let me begin with things of the last year....