We live in a state of constant denial. Denying the fact that we cannot remain untouched by any adverse situation in our lifetime. Such was a state of mind, I used to live in until two and a half years go.
This post is coming out quite late. Two and a half years is too long a period. I had sat then too, I remember, , but could not really gather my thoughts around it so a few lines that I had started to write are still in my Draft.
So, today evening, one of my mother's cousin sister and her husband had come over. They got talking about everything related to family, discussing everything and everyone. Then, came up the topic of my brother's health. To tell you all, he is fine. They were basically keen on knowing how was he doing two and a half years later of an almost fatal accident. This got my mother talking about the whole incident again and then she reached a point where tears had overpowered her speech and she paused for a while. She repeated the words of the man who came as an angel for us at that moment of need. This is what I had wanted to share then.
So let me begin by telling you how scary it can be when you get a call from your mother who is crying and telling you that your brother has had a grave accident. I can still remember that Saturday evening where around 5 my phone rang. It wasn't an unusual hour to get a call from my mom but it was still out of routine. We only knew that there was an accident. What, when, how, where was still unknown to us. This was 12th August 2017 which made me realize we are all vulnerable to any kind of situation that life might throw at us.
Until then, I was almost smug that my family does not wish bad for anyone, we are generally nice people, so usually I had programmed myself that all what I would read in the newspapers about mishaps, wouldn't touch us at all. This complacency rather superiority crumbled on this day.
We had almost lost my brother had this Saviour not reached on the spot in time. My brother's car met with an accident in the middle of nowhere. While my brother was bleeding profusely from head, my 6 years old nephew had flown out of the car. Miraculously my sister in law was almost untouched. With her boldness and courage, she brought out my brother who was stuck on the driver's seat, getting unconscious and the car locked from inside. There was no one who stopped to take them to any nearby hospital. And then this man appeared in a SUV. He stopped. Got them all in his car. His car sped at 140 kmph to take them to Saifai which amidst the deserted area, fortunately has a Trauma centre. It was all in time. This was nothing short of a miracle.
All this made me want to appeal then which I didn't do but it's never too late, I am doing it now : If you happen to come across someone who has met with an accident on the road, please take the person to the nearest hospital. Please don't turn a blind eye or think that there maybe someone else who would help the person. You may save her/his life.
PS : The appeal may come across as obnoxious to some of you but it stems from an experience where I saw people's indifference in a road accident.