Sunday, 22 June 2014

Dreary June? Not anymore!!

Completely immersed in my thesis writing, editing, correcting, I thought I wouldn't be able to write my June month's entry. I had nothing so far to give me that zing and inspiration that makes ideas float in your head and words flow smoothly. All this happened quite spontaneously. Spontaneous, instinctive, impromptu, they are just not my words. However, in the beginning of this year, I resolved to myself being just that. So far I have  not been so good, but not that bad either.

So I went to visit my sister for a while when I felt I had been a little less burdened by the pressure of work. I go to her place only when I am in a mood to relax. There are so many distractions there: my sister, who is also my best friend, her daughter, who is the cutest child I have seen so far, the television which I don't see at my hostel. (I love watching televisions), the homemade food that I seldom get to eat at the mess. All of this certainly doesn't create the right environment to toil hard. However, this time I had been carrying the laptop, my workstation with me to feel comforted and less stressed. In fact, the idea was to challenge myself to work in such a comfortable zone. In the meanwhile, I had set some deadlines for myself to finish it before my birthday so that I could just feel as free as people who don't have their Ph.D submissions.( I know there are other people with other kinds of stress but I am only interested in the type I am subjected to right now.)

You must be thinking by now, where is spontaneity? And how and where does the enthusiasm that I had been lacking this month come from? Okay. Day before yesterday, my sister made a proposal to me. No! To be precise my brother-in-law and she, they both asked me to join them for their trip to Rishikesh. I knew they had some kind of plans earlier but I never pictured myself in that trip as i was only engrossed in my thesis. So what goes on in my mind when the proposal has been thrown at me? I always think I have two sides. In fact, everyone has it. So, my first side knew that I had always imagined going to Rishikesh, exploring the white sand bank of the Ganga, just lying there in the lap of nature ( I even have a secret plan for the white sand banks, Ganga in the moonlit night which is not so secretive after all, a few friends do know about it!!) The other side, quite strong and firm in resolve knew that I had a lot to do to meet my deadlines so the tussle began. And then my brother-in-law reminded me of my Anokhe Anubhav, my sister reminded me of my secret plan and this determined and resolute side of mine started melting and just became one with the side which had been pushing me to say a yes instantly. All this happened in span of five to ten minutes . That was quite spontaneous by my standards.

So here I am in Rishikesh today, sitting in this café situated at some height overlooking Ganga that is flowing with passion so inviting that I just want to be right there at its bank. The breathtakingly beautiful sight of mountains with trees on one side, with Ganga next to it following its course, besides the road on the other side and me sitting in this place, seeing everything from above, motivates me so much that this entry comes right after finishing my editing of one of the chapters. Everyone else is sleeping as they are tired and so much sleep deprived. But I just could not resist the temptation of sitting by Ganga though at some height from it and just feel its magic. The whole moment is truly unparalleled.  

Random thoughts or deliberate messages from the universe?

 It's been a while. Almost two years! So much has happened in these two years. Or maybe not.  Let me begin with things of the last year....