Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Spring Reverie!!

I was talking to someone one day. In the middle of our conversation, she happened to utter a beautiful sentence. She said, “I would love to get lost one day.”

To some it might sound crazy. To a few like me, it might strike a chord. And for some others, it wouldn’t ring any bell at all, like the option of ‘can’t say’ in the surveys. And yet there would be other set of people reacting to it in various ways.

When I think about it, ideas ripple in my mind. Do I want to get lost? Really? Am I not already lost in this huge, wide world? I don’t know where am I headed towards. So am I  lost? And then it strikes again. Yes I would love to be lost. Although not like someone gone missing and then her/his family n friends worry to death. No I hate to imagine all the worst possiblities that one would or could come across in this whole idea of getting lost.

And however, I would like to be lost. Lost in the nature! I dream of travelling by train someday and getting down to some unknown destination, that was never supposed to be mine. Maybe somewhere closer to the sea or higher up in the hills? Where there would be fields, blooming flowers, clear blue sky with deep blue waters of the sea. I’d get lost in the lap of nature, in its calm and serene environs, where I’d savour every single moment.

I’d be far from the bondage of society and yet far from the worries that encompass our daily lives and farther from superficial social connections. I’d lead life in peace with a diary and pen ofcourse at my disposal. I’d create stories while lying down on the greenest of grass, under some shade of some tree where the sunlight would stream in on me.

When the sun would start setting, making way for the night, I would go near the sea. I would listen to the sounds of waves under the starry night. Ideal for weaving dreams!

And if some traveler, some day would pass by my abode, I would interact with her/him. I would listen to his stories and s/he would hear mine. I could give her/him letters addressed to my family members and friends to let them know I am safe and comfortable and would be visiting them soon.

How fascinating! I wish I could lead a life like this for a while. Away from civilization and then when I would have had enough of my fantasy I would make my way back to my people who would have been genuinely waiting for me.  

Random thoughts or deliberate messages from the universe?

 It's been a while. Almost two years! So much has happened in these two years. Or maybe not.  Let me begin with things of the last year....