Saturday, 14 September 2013

Anne of Green Gables

How did I take so long to meet Anne? But at least now I can lay claims to have met her. She is just so adorable. In the beginning I thought she talked a bit too much and never stopped short of breath. Eventually all the blabbering turned out to be amusing and interesting and that it came from an 11 years old made it all the more enjoyable.

Anne with an 'e' at the end is so full of life. Her vivid imagination is the best that I liked about her. Not a single moment can she remain without drifting away in her dreams and imageries. She has her way with words. At her age, she uses such "big " phrases that keep most of us delighted and pleased with her. 

However, she has her odd ways too. She cannot come clean at anything she does. There has to be some fault committed on her part. Though she claims not to commit any of her errors twice which seems to be so positive that she takes lessons from her past errors. She ,however, never fails to stop committing any. But this is her charm. Even if she has her sets of mistakes, you just can't stop loving her for what she is for she never has any ill intention.

She has found many kindred spirits along her life at Green Gables. After having met her, I had a similar feeling towards her. She enthuses life by her mere presence. She is by far the most cute girl I have ever seen. 

I wonder if I had met her when I was as young as her, would have I liked her then? I feel positive. There is surely something about this Anne-girl!! 

Friday, 13 September 2013

Yesterday at the dinner table was one of those moments when I have felt a great sense of injustice meted out to a few of us without any faults of our own. The girl in front of me was having her dinner quiet peacefully. She touched each and every thing put out on her plate before eating. It was when she touched the cucumber cube to eat that a deep anguish grew within me. I so much wanted her to not only feel what she ate but also see what it looks like, the colour of it. Unfortunately, she might not be able to have a sight of her food items ever. She is visually challenged.

At the very same moment, image of freshly made donuts with sparkling chocolate sauce over it flashed in my head. A few days ago, I had such a craving to have these donuts that LOOK so tempting. I wondered how much the girl has been missing onto in life without her asking for it. Certainly people like her are endowed with other senses : they feel, they taste but alas they can't see.

Merely having a sight of delicious food cheers up spirits sometimes. Today, while having my breakfast, I had a detailed look at my plate. I examined each and every item with its colour, texture, size. And I thanked God not only for giving me food but also for this lovely sight. But it would be so much interesting if everyone of us had beautiful eyes to be able to savour visually the food but the entire world we live in. However, I believe, they have the power of imagination just like Anne of Green Gables. Life is such a gift to us. Let's cherish each and every moment.

Random thoughts or deliberate messages from the universe?

 It's been a while. Almost two years! So much has happened in these two years. Or maybe not.  Let me begin with things of the last year....