Life is a series of events both good and bad, happy and sad, pleasant and grim. This is the ultimate pattern followed in anyone's life. No one state can be eternal. Happiness can't be forever. Same goes with sorrow, it cannot take shelter in one's life infinitely. It is these events and moments that make memories. When you look back at your life, the treasure trove of memories smile at you, the only possession that you inherit.
When I was a kid, an idea, quaint some might call it, used to knock at the door of my mind. I would wonder why God did not have some kind of a video recorder. With this device's aid, we could have access to our past actions, events and moments. On request, at any point of time in our lives, we could avail the facility of watching ourselves, our behaviour towards others, the beautiful moments spent with our loved ones, the bitter experiences. Well, I was really young, so I never thought of man making any kind of a similar device.
After so many years, I still have the same idea finding its way back to my mind. I wonder, if we could register our whole lives' actions in one CD, DVD, or whichever medium, so as to keep them alive. I am certain that there cannot be a recorded version of each and every moment passed, however, people have found out ways to keep afresh their memories through Diaries, Photos, a few videos.
Whatever medium you bring to your use, it is bound to make you happy if after a long time you stumble upon your memories. A smile would not leave your face until you want to stop thinking about it. How I still wish to ask for this service from God, so that I could rewind and relive the moments.